When I was exhausted as a new mother, it was easy for me to slip into negative thinking. Once in a negative mindset, it became easier to stay in a negative mindset, and I could feel how that was just adding more stress in my body. I knew from my research and studies as a Biofeedback Specialist that how we react to stress is important, and I started going over the science and reminding myself why my thoughts matter.

Reviewing the science made it easier for me to be motivated to focus on my mindset and behavior and to change my habits of how I react to stress. That’s really where this all started.

But then I got into piezoelectricity and electromagnetism and quantum physics and wow. Now we were learning. And I thought this can’t just be something I read. I want to remember this and integrate it purposefully into my life.

I took copious notes, and then I typed up my notes, followed by a reorganization of my notes, and finalized with some editing down to a simplified version without all the technical jargon. And then I decided to create some art representing my notes. You guys, I really want to KNOW this science.

And not to spoil the ending, BUT…while I thought the path to self improvement was about focusing on the thoughts in my head, I later came to understand that it’s really all about the HEART.

I’m excited to share more. This collection feels like a living, breathing work of art in progress, and as I continue to integrate healing into my life, I hope it expands out into yours.


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