2021 Reflections

I’ve made it a yearly ritual to take time in December to look back over the year and remind myself of all that’s happened. It’s easy to forget, and I find that when I actually take the time to reflect back, I’ve done so much more than I thought.

I also try to write down a few lessons from the year. My introspective self always likes to pretend that current Amy is talking to Amy from a year ago and giving her some advice as she launches into the upcoming year. I also visualize current Amy talking to herself a year from now and receiving the wisdom from end-of-the-year Amy too. I write it all down. THEN it’s fun to see what I said to myself before and if any of it came true. This is the stuff that excites me, my friends.

At the beginning of 2021, Amy received advice to not underestimate the power of little actions. I wrote to myself, “Little steps do matter, so just focus on those & don’t place too much thought on the bigger picture. As opposed to a super exciting year (there will be moments) it will be a quality of life improvement year.”

I’d say that was accurate advice to myself. When I was reflecting back I realized this was not an easy year, but not the hardest either. It was a year of gaining tremendous wisdom, and I feel grounded and ready to put that wisdom to practice in 2022.

There was a lot of restructuring in my art business in 2021. I redesigned my website and Etsy shop, and I explored using Photoshop in new ways. I created some completely new work with the digital collages incorporating completely new subject material related to my science background. And I focused on organizing my process and structuring social media so it will be easier to share my work in the future. Lastly, I set up the ability to scan and print my own work from my home studio.

I’m super proud of all that I accomplished and learned this last year, and it was necessary for my growth. I was thrilled to be in three exhibitions and have the ability to connect with several local artists & entrepreneurs in person. The first half of the year I was at home with my son full time. Even then I found little pockets of time to work on my business here and there, and that alone was a huge accomplishment.

I am ready, however, to switch gears a bit and get back into creating art!! I think I may have pushed a bit too hard on the business side this year, and I’m really looking forward to some unbounded creative exploration in the art room (or the park or the backyard). I want to get re-inspired and have fun diving back into the thing which all the business is based on anyhow…the art itself.

Next year I want to experiment with even more color and see what happens. I also want to play around with white space and simplicity. I did enjoy my time spent drawing this year and can see that becoming a practice to keep me focused in the present moment. My vision for 2022 is also to share more behind the scenes of my process and put together some mood boards as I get inspired.

I’d definitely encourage anyone reading this to spend a little time reflecting on the lessons from the last year and set some goals and intentions going forward. It’s been a powerful practice for me to give myself that time and space to get centered and reconnect with my inner voice.



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